Scientific Society Symposium

Sleep disorders in perimenopausal women, and metabolic syndrome

maria belardo (AR)

[belardo] italian hospital, buenos aires

Most women start to undergo the physiological changes associated with menopause in the years prior their last menstrual period. This interval is often referred to as the menopausal transition and is marked by fluctuations in hormone levels as the ovarian function begins to slow down. The symptoms of menopause are characterized by hot flushes, vaginal changes , sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, mood swings and sleep disorders, among others. The Study of Women’s Health across the Nation (SWAN), shows that the prevalence of sleep disturbance increases with age. The prevalence in the premenopausal age group ranges from 16% to 42%, in perimenopausal women varies from 39% to 47% and in postmenopausal females from 35% to 60% . These estimates included surgically as well as naturally menopausal women. Although both the menopausal transition and aging increase sleep disturbances, the etiology in menopausal women is probably multifactorial. A decline in the levels of reproductive hormones and melatonin, as well as the complex interaction among these hormones can significantly contribute to sleep problems, poor concentration, fatigue and diminished quality of life. On the one hand menopause affects negatively all components of a metabolic syndrome, and moreover surgical menopause may lead to a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome compared to natural menopause. On the other hand the cumulative long-term effects of deprived sleep also have been associated with many cardiometabolic consequences including hypertension, obesity, and impaired glucose metabolism. This presentation will deal with the changes and consequences of sleep disorders and metabolic syndrome as overlapping entities in the perimenopausal women


