Wednesday 7th March 2018
19:00 Wednesday 7th
Poster Area Poster Session 19:00 → 21:00
From 1 To 176 See the posters that will be presented!
Jose Maria Soares Júnior
P1. Evidence that melatonin increases inhibin beta-A and follistatin gene expression pinealectomized rat ovaries
ana maria Muñoz Ledesma
Miriam Llano
P2. Different secretory pattern of melatonin in obese menopausal women: preliminary results
Rodrigo Marcondes
P3. Moderate intensity treadmill exercise increases ovulation and modulates genes in the hypothalamus of adult female rats
Negina Adkhamova
P4. Polymorphism C3420T of the DRD2 gene associated with menstrual flow disorder among the women with hyperprolactinemia
Ariadne Araujo
P5. Gene expression of small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPS) in lacrimal gland non-pregnant and pregnant with hyperprolactinemia induced metoclopramide
Natalia Garcia
New therapeutic targets for uterine leiomyosarcoma: Gant61 as a blocker to non-canonical activation of Sonic Hedgehog pathway
Osvaldo Araujo Jr
P6. Influence of metoclopramide-induced hiperprolactnemia on the epiphyseal plate and type of collagen in the bone tissue of female mice and their offspring after breastfeeding
Osvaldo Araujo Júnior
P7. Small leucine-rich proteoglycans (slrps) on the epiphyseal plate of the female mice metoclopramide-induced hiperprolactnemia and their offspring
Irena Ilovayskaya
P8. Recurrent early pregnancy loss as unusual and rare sign of pathological hyperprolactinemia
Amanpreet Kalsi
P9. Macroprolactinemia: prevalence and etiopathologic associations
Berta Martín Cabrejas
P10. Spontaneous pregnancy after trans-sphenoidal resection of a microadenoma refractory to medical treatment. A case report.
Felipe Serrano
P11. Prolactin hyper-response is associated with incidence of herpes in patients with ovulatory dysfunction.
Larisa Suturina
P12. Prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in unselected urban female population
Ana Belen Rodriguez Bujez
P13. Which wil be better for the endometrium in ovarian stimulation?
Natalia Aganezova
P14. Endometrial receptivity in women with a history of reproductive failures
Danijel Bursac
P15. The role of GABA neurotransmitter in the regulation of the endocervical mucus secretion
Jose Maria Júnior
P16. Effects of melatonin on steroidogenesis in rat ovarian theca-interstitial cells: relevance to hormone therapy in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Lara Jessica Murao
P17. A Case Report on Catamenial Epilepsy
Ricardo Ramirez Orozco
P18. Role of adiposity over ERα and ERβ phosphorylation in reproductive women during ovarian cycle
Elisabetta Vegeto
P19. Pharmacological regulation of estrogen receptors in macrophages: impact for the female reproductive tract
Elisabetta Vegeto
P20. Sexual differences in macrophage physiology
Natasha Meletti
P21. Ovarian hypertecosis and hirsutism in adolescence: case report and literature review
Marija Miletic
P22. Mister XX
Cintia Mariel Villegas Rodríguez
P23. Effect of hiperandrogenism on the lipid profile on women with polycystic ovary syndrome at the endocrine gynecology clinic of the hospital juárez de méxico
Peiqiong Chen
P24. Association between serum level of vitamin A and premature ovarian insufficiency in women of reproductive age
Edson Ferreira Filho
P25. A case of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis with remaining epididymis mimicking ovotesticular disorder of sexual development
Satit Klangsin
P26. Agreement of two medical approaches with the expert consensus in identified the causes of primary amenorrhea in Songklanagarind Hospital
Cristina Laguna Benetti-Pinto
P27. Sleep quality assessment in women with premature ovarian insufficiency using Hormonal Therapy
Li Li
P28. Rare Copy Number Variants (CNVs) in the Genome of Chinese Female Adolescents with Turner Syndrome
Giovana Maffazioli
P29. Evaluation of Differences in Clinical Characteristics Between Patients with the Classical Karyotype of Turner Syndrome and Mosaics
Sevara Nigmatova
P30. Ovarian Function and Pregnancies in Women with Premature Ovarian Failure
Marjan Onabi
P31. Rare and atypical cases of primary amenorrhea
Patrycja Rojewska- Madziała
P32. Clinical, biochemical and genetic characterization of a 44- years old patient with primary amenorrhoea- case study of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
Gyuzyal Tabeeva
P33. The role of the expression of steroid receptors in ovaries of women with premature ovarian inssuficiency (POI).
Sharareh Abdollah
P34. Missed Important Facts in diagnosis and treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)
Yulia Absatarova
P35. Melatonin as a new pathogenetic factor in the development of anovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome
Yulia Absatarova
P36. Pathogenetic effects of folate-containing combined oral contraceptive in patients with PCOS
P37. Wrist circumference: a new marker for assessing insulin resistance in sub-saharan african women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Mohamed Basly
P38. vascular endothelial growth factor antagonist reduces the early onset and the severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Links
Adriana Carbonel
P39. Effects of soybean isoflavones in rats model with polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos)
Adriana Carbonel
P40. Action of melatonin, metformin, clomiphenic citrate in the ovary of rats in permanent estro
Sebastião de Medeiros
P41. The interrelationship between anthropometric biologic markers of body fat distribution and steroid hormone biosynthesis in polycystic ovary syndrome
P42. Endometrial hyperplasia in infertile pcos women
Aleksandra Głowińska
P43. Sexual Satisfaction in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Roya Hosseini
P44. Obesity and Insulin resistance in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Sujata Kar
P45. 2D & 3D Trans-vaginal sonography to determine cut offs for ovarian volume and follicle number per ovary for the diagnosis of Polycystic ovary syndrome in Indian women.
Jasneet Kaur
P46. Clinical application of the automated AMH assay for diagnosing PCOS in Indian women
Zurqa Khalid
P47. TITLE: Circulating biomarkers for the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome patients: A Meta-analysis
Daniela Koleva
P48. Serum Visfatin Levels in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Vilma Kovač
P49. Policystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients with higher body mass index (BMI) have significantly lower level of antimullerian hormone (AMH) and lower response on IVF/ICSI treatment
Yanglu Li
P50. Comparing the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes of Chinese polycystic ovary syndrome patients with and without anti-androgenic pretreatment
Ying li
P51. Potential role of MicroRNA-32 on the proliferation of granulosa cells in polycystic ovarian syndrome women
Julia Nikolova
P52. Serum levels of soluble E-selectin in polycystic ovary syndrome
Presiyana Nyagolova
P53. Leptin And Galanin-like Peptide (GALP) Levels in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Emma Öberg
P54. Personality factors predicting successful weight loss in polycystic ovary syndrome
Maria Orbetzova
P55. Serum levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Christina Pagkaki
P56. Polycystic ovary syndrome as a risk factor for premature ovarian insuffisiency: controversial data
Anastasios Potiris
P57. Fibrinolytic defects, but not thrombophilic disorders, may be associated with recurrent miscarriages in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Alessia Prati
P58. Modulatory effects of D-Chiro-inositol (DCI) plus alpha lipoic acid (ALA) combination on metabolic and hormonal parameters of obese PCOS patients
Manuela RUSSU
P59. PCOS and obesity as a cause for endometrial carcinoma in very young women – case presentation
Ricardo Simoes
P60. Analysis of hyaluronic acid in the endometrium of women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Ricardo Simões
P61. Action of melatonin, metformin, clomiphene citrate in the endometrium of rats in permanent estro
Katarzyna Suchta
P62. Binge eating disorder in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Iroda Tojieva
P63. Interrelation of paracrine factors and factors of proinflammation in patients with PCOS
Maria Helena Tur-Torres
P64. Update of insulin resistance in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome and its relationship with hyperandrogenism and obesity in Vall Hebron Hospital population
P65. Study to co-relate incidence of ovarian cysts / tumors in patients with bulky ovaries or polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) and/or obesity
Husheng Wang
P66. Clinical predictive value of anti-Müllerian hormone in polycystic ovary syndrome
Rafał Watrowski
P67. Spontaneous life-threatening ovarian hyperstimulation in a patient with severe diabetes and unrecognized polycystic ovarian syndrome
Giulia Despini
P68. Modulatory effects of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) administration on insulin sensitivity in obese PCOS patients
Ivika Jakson
P69. Insulin and the Down-regulation of Glucose Transporter 1 in Decidualizing Endometrial Stromal Cells
Felipe Serrano
P70. Insulin sensitivity and testicular function in a cohort of adult males suspected of being insulin-resistant
Milina Tancic-Gajic
P71. Insulin resistance in severely obese women after weight loss
P72. The Relationship Between Maternal Obesity and Prenatal Attachment
Eleni Armeni
P73. Adiposity measures and bone mineral density are associated with ovarian volume after the menopausal transition
Aleksandra Atanasova Boshku
P74. Serum Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Relation with Different Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Livia Dainelli
P75. The Short-Term Economic Burden of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Italy
Mónica Flores-Ramos
P76. Is waist-circumference related to anxiety levels in peri and postmenopausal women?
Rail Gazizov
P77. Identification of metabolic syndrome and overweight among university teachers
Roya Hosseini
P78. Diagnostic value of pre-gravid body mass index in determining of gestational diabetes mellitus in assisted reproduction technology
Sana Menjli
P79. Obesity:physiologic changes and challenges during laparoscopy
Eliana Nahas
P80. Isolated vitamin D supplementation improves the metabolic syndrome risk profile in postmenopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Nur Nahdiyat
P81. The impact of obesity to increase the risk of miscarriage in reproductive women
Laura Seco
P82. Parental nutrition: methyl donors and nutri-epigenomics.
Marianna Torok
P83. Gender differences in the biomechanics and vasoreactivity of coronary resistance arteries in exercise induced left ventricular hypertrophy
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P84. Pregnancy and spontaneous preterm rupture of membranes
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P86. An extremely rare complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus: Pierre Mauriac syndrome.
Charalampos Siristatidis
P87. Age at menarche in the prediction of clinical pregnancy and live birth outcomes following Assisted Reproduction Technologies
Iryna Tuchkina
P88. Optimization of surgical management of adnexal torsion in girls
Ksenia Fris
P89. Morphofunctional endometrium changes in women with autoimmune thyroid pathology and pregnancy losses.
Roya Hosseini
P90. Premature Ovarian insufficiency and thyroid Autoimmunity
Elena Andreeva
P91. Vitamins and microelements at the stage of pre-gravity preparation and during pregnancy in patients with endocrinopathies.
Cristina Benetti-Pinto
P92. Android fat distribution directly affects thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Ksenia Fris
P93. The expression of paracrine factors in women with autoimmune thyroid diseases and reproductive failures.
Alejandro Hernandez
P94. 25-hydroxyvitamin-D levels in women attending a private outpatient clinic in Medellín – Colombia, 2013-2014
Yumie Ikeda
P95. Developing A Smartphone Application for Daily Records of Premenstrual Symptoms: How is it accepted by non-PMS patients?
Olga Leshchenko
P96. The state of the system of neuroendocrine regulation in women with reproductive disorders and genital tuberculosis
Zarkhanim Mammadova
P97. Outcomes of gynecologic and endocrinologic disorders among 0-20 years girls in Baku ( Azeraijan)
Siripen Ongsupharn
P98. The effect of oligomenorrhea and factors affecting metabolic syndrome in Thai postmenopausal women
Vesna Salamun
P99. GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Liraglutide increased IVF Pregnancy Rates in Obese Women with PCOS and previous poor response to first line reproductive treatments:: a Pilot Randomized Study
Polyxeni-Maria Sarli
P100. Granulosa cell ovarian tumor and resistance to clomiphene citrate. A case report and review of the literature.
Egle Vaiciuliene
P101. Quality of Life in Adult Women with Turner Syndrome
Jianhong Zhou
P102. Change in health-related quality of life in the menopausal transition and its associated factors in Chinese middle-aged women
P103. Selectivity and biological functionality of new selective modulator of progesterone receptor – novel mesoprogestin and its effect on endometrium proliferation.
Alina Busan
P104. Non-Contraceptive Benefits of Contraceptives – Retrospective Study in Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Prof Dr Panait Sarbu” Bucharest
Tatiana Tatarchuk
P105. Non-contraceptive benefits of hormonal contraception for Ukrainian military women.
Natalia Aganezova
P106. Emergency contraception among doctors and people without medical education
Klaus Nickisch
P107. Contributions to Ulipristals mechanism of action as Emergency Contraceptive Agent
P108. Comparative study of postplacental cu-t insertion in vaginal and caesarean deliveries
Alina Mihaela Busan
P109. Determinant Factors in Choosing the Contraceptive Method Based on the Age of Patient
Karine Tokhunts
P110. Consistent and combined application of dienogest and LNG-IUS to decrease the risk of IUS expulsion
P111. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Intrauterine Contraception Device among Doctors in an Urban City of Malaysia
Jean-Michel Foidart
P112. Physical tests of the Levosert T-frame and its inserter provide objective parameters that confirm their safety and easiness at insertion
Nilson Melo
P113. Prevention of unplanned pregnancy through subdermal implant in women users of illicit drugs in the region of cracolandia, São Paulo.
Iuliia Naumova
P114. Adverse events of Essure® contraception. Analysis in a large cohort of patients.
Maria Antonia Obiol
P115. Local complications associated with the insertion and removal of Implanon NXT®.
nelli nahapetyan
P116. Consistent and combined application of dienogest and LNG-IUS to decrease the risk of IUS expulsion
Mohd Faizal Ahmad
P117. Endometrial thickness and embryo quality in predicting the outcome of icsi and embryo transfer: a retrospective cohort study
Shi Yee Chen
P118. Does trophectoderm morphology better in predicting euploidy compared to inner cell mass? A retrospective study
Ileana Alejandra G. Cantón
P119. Effect of Claudin-1 expression on the sperm membrane on the blastocyst rate in euploid embryos
P120. Importance of serum vitamin d in surrogacy motherhood program and ivf success rates
Laura Seco
P121. Obesity and embryo development
P122. Comparison of Serum and Uterine Flushing Concentrations of Glycodelin on Days 21-23 of Reproductive Cycle among Women with In Vitro Fertilization Failure versus Normal Fertile Women
Taisiia Yurchuk
P123. Blastomere biopsy of incomplete compacted human morula can improve the embryo cryopreservation outcome
Abbas Majdi Seghinsara
P124. The role of Ovarian Surface Epithelial Stem Cells (OSESC) in neo-oogenesis and cell therapy
P125. Interleukin 15 concentrations in follicular fluid and their effect on oocyte maturation in subfertile women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Mounir AJINA
P126. Comparison of ICSI results in a group of patients with and without oral L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine and nutrients supplementation
Agnieszka Dubiel
P127. The prevalence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in AITD women with history of miscarriage
Francisco Sandoval Garcia Travesi
P128. The expression of the Claudin family in the testis – a dynamic membrane behavior for sperm formation in patients with infertility
P129. Factors influencing poor prognosis for azoospermic men before intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Karina Cázarez Pérez
P130. Dna fragmentation, a nuclear evaluation for sperm production during life years.
Ali Gurbuz
P131. Medical treatment of İsthmocele with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonists (GnRHa) before frozen thawed embryo transfer- A preliminary report
Fatemehsadat Hoseini
P132. A non-randomized controlled trial of oral melatonin supplementation on ATPase 6 gene expression and IVF outcomes in Iranian infertile couples
Jehona Luta
P133. Pregnancy after hysterosalpingography
Zoia Rossokha
P134. The shift in emphasis of infertility genetic risk caused by defects in folate related gene polymorphism
Charalampos Siristatidis
P135. Age of subfertile women and clinical pregnancy outcome following Assisted Reproduction Technologies
Deniss Sõritsa
P136. Physical activity of infertile women before, during and after in vitro fertilization treatment and its effect on pregnancy outcome
Julio Avilés
P137. Effect of Tadalafil on endometrial thickness, receptivity in assisted reproduction cycles and its reproductive results
Andreea Carp-Veliscu
P138. Autologous platelet-rich plasma in endometrial growth: our clinical experience
Gabriella Donà
P139. Effect of astaxanthin on human sperm capacitation: in vivo and in vitro studies
Mariia Mazilina
P140. Morula-stage embryo vitrification in cryopreservation cycles: five years of positive experience
Diana Mihai
P141. Has the ‘freeze-all” strategy a better pregnancy outcome?
Marco Noventa
142. Ultrasound- Guided Embryo Transfer: Summary of Evidences to Close the Open Debate and Unlock New Perspectives. Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Ales Sobek
P143. Treatment of low oocyte quality in the Czech Republic
Vanessa Trindade
P144. The use of intravenous lipids emulsion in reproductive medicine: An Experience at Fertilitat – Center of Reproductive Medicine
Asiyat Rabadanova
P145. Three Dimensional Power Doppler and the efficiency of IVF cycles.
Ali Gurbuz
P146. Evaluation of dual trigger with combination of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist and human chorionic gonadotropin in improving oocyte-follicle ratio in normo-responder patients
Krzysztof Lukaszuk
P147. Novel multiple consecutive stimulation protocol – shortening duration of infertility treatment
Manuela Neagu
P148. Monoovulation Induction with Aromatase Inhibitors – Retrospective Clinical Study
Svetlana Spremovic-Radjenovic
P149. Letrozole versus clomiphene as the first-line treatment for anovulatory infertility in women with pcos
Siti Nabillah Ab Rahman
P150. Right or Left Ovary: Which has better ovarian response? A study of ART outcome in IVF patients in HSNZ Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
Marta Sestero
P151. Ovarian sensitivity index and Follicular Output Rate are good measure of ovarian responsiveness to gonadotrophin stimulation
Nasuha Yaacob
P152. The Influence of serum estradiol levels on the day of ovulation trigger on assisted reproductive outcome in HSNZ Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
Yolanda Cabello
P153. Establishment of a protocol for severe endometriosis management and ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment. First pregnancies and newborn children.
Maria Luisa Gasparri
P154. Origin of placental disorders after assisted reproduction: Assisted reproduction itself or Endometriosis as its indication
P155. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)/ Intracytoplasmic Insemination (ICSI) Outcomes in Endometriosis- Related Infertility: 8 years Results from an Assisted Reproductive Unit
P156. Endometriosis and tubo-ovarian pelvic abscess after oocyte retrieval
Yolanda Cabello
P157. Proposal of necessary tests for all the patients before Assisted Reproduction Treatments in order to prevent factors that could affect implantation failure, miscarriages or other gestational complications.
yu liang
P158. The effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on IVF outcome of diminished ovarian reserve
P159. Five years on fertility preservation public program
P160. Melatonin antiproliferative effects in rats frozen-thawed ovarian autografts: preliminary findings in a scaffold-based delivery
José Soares-Jr
P161. Melatonin effects on ovarian tissue cryopreserved transplantation
Xiadi Huang
P162. Association of coenzyme Q10 with premature ovarian insufficiency
Chunming Li
P163. Pyrethroid Pesticide Exposure and Risk of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency in Chinese Women
shiba abdollah
P164. Evaluation of serumic progesterone`s level with pregnancy out come in frozen embryo transfer
P165. The association of Anti-thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and anti-Phospholipid antibodies in recurrent miscarriage A literature rewiew.
Dmytro Konkov
P166. The preventive strategy of cervical incompetency
P167. Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy in High Risk Maternity in the Amazon Region: Case Report
Tejal Poddar
P168. Double trouble: a rare case of bilateral ectopic pregnancy following intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Ana Azcárraga Sapena
P169. Comparison of cesarean section rate and demographic risk factors between 2008-2016 at clinic university hospital of valencia
Mira Bittár
P170. Reasons for planned, urgent and immediate cesarean sections and actions to prevent unnecessary cesareans
P171. Health care cost analysis for deliveries according to the maternal age classes in an university hospital setting: a five-years retrospective cohort study
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P172. Pregnancy and Tetralogy of Fallot
aziza chemima
P173. Iniencéphalie: Diagnostic amtenatal d’une pathologie rare et revue de la littérature
Zaklina Jurisic
P174. Advance 3D Ultrasound techniques in detection of cleft palate from 12-18th week of pregnancy
P175. Malaria vivax in pregnant attended in a school hospital of amazon region
Andrea Sepulveda
P176. Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly Syndrome (OHVIRA) in pregnancy: A CASE REPORT
19:05 Wednesday 7th
Poster Area Poster Session 19:05 → 21:00
From 177 To 365 See the posters that will be presented!
Yauheniya Tsikhanovich
P177. Doppler studies in patients with chronic venous disease and prediction of neonatal hypoxia.
Nurezwana Elias
P178. A case report: Fatal outcome of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with cerebral hemorrhage due to antithrombin III deficiency during early pregnancy
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P179. Pregnancy, severe oligohydramnios and tetralogy of fallot of the fetus
emilio diaz
P180. Exosomal miRNA profile in gestational diabetes – Potential role in placental metabolism
Ziwen Jiang
P181. Translocation of placental target pullulan based nanoparticle drug delivery system in an in vitro placental
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P182. Pregnancy and HLA incompatibility
Hasmik Bareghamyan
P183. Pequliarity of pregnancy and labor in women with hla incompatibility
Gagik Beglaryan
P184. Hla incompatibility and pregnancy
Anastasiya Novikova
P185. Pregnancy and intrauterine infection in adolescents
P186. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Pregnant Women in the Amazon Region: Case Report
Elena Costa
P187. Change in prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and obstetric complications when applying IADPSG screening criteria in a Belgian French population
Elena Khazova
P188. Two seasons of the level of calcidiol in pregnant women of St. Petersburg.
Tatyana Novikova
P189. Obstetric-gynecological risk factors for osteopenia in the postpartum period
Manuela Cristina Russu
P190. Pregnancy outcome in the dual endocrinopathy diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism. 5 years retrospective study
Florije Spahija
P191. 30 doses of platelets that saved a case of immune-thrombocytopenia
Irina E. Zazerskaya
P192. Vitamin D deficiency and pregnancy outcomes.
Alejandra Elizalde Cremonte
P193. Current state of gestational diabetes (dg) in our maternity. Corrientes. Argentina. 2017
Chung-Yi Li
P194. A nationwide case-control study of gestational diabetes mellitus in association with air pollution in Taiwan
Manuela Stefana Neagu
P195. Metformin improves the obstetrical outcome of women with gestational diabetes
Imre Tormasi
P196. Association of pathological tyrosine isoforms with parameters of hematopoiesis in hyperfiltrating physiological pregnant women
Paweł Bartnik
P197. Attendance to antenatal classes reduces perinatal pain and fear in primiparous women.
Patricija Kasilovska
P198. Unexpected pregnancy-is it a big problem?
Jehona Luta
P199. The importance of information for Rh-immunization
Nor azila Mohd Nafiah
P200. Women with hyperemesis gravidarum: does acupressure wristband helps in reducing severity?
P201. Depressive syndrome secondary to spontaneous abortion and its correlation with the clinical history of the patients treated in the gynecology and obstetrics service at Dr. Dario Fernandez Fierro Hospital Mexico City
Magdalena Smyka
P202. Obstructive sleep apnea is a risk factor of preterm delivery
Merita Vuniqi-Krasniqi
P203. Adolescent pregnancy in Kosovo
Pinar Yalcin Bahat
P204. Episiotomy approach to the women of postpartum persistent migrain cases
Andrea Sepulveda
P205. Cervical cerclage of rescue in the management of cervical incompetence. Experience of luis tisne brousee hospital
Umida Ashurova
P206. Associations of vascular tone genes polymorphisms in pregnancy-induced hypertension among Uzbek women: a case-control study.
Ofelia Bettikher
P207. Association between fasting serum C-peptide level, obesity, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes
Karol Charkiewicz
P208. Syndecan 4, galectin 2 and DR3 as a novel factors in pathways of mild preeclampsia – protein macroarray screening.
Karol Charkiewicz
P209. Sphingolipids screening in plasma of women with preeclampsia.
P210. HELLP Syndrome: Case Report
Sabine Enengl
P211. The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and its predictive value concerning time to delivery in patients with preeclampsia- Preliminary Data
Feriha fatima Khidri
P212. VEGF gene polymorphisms and serum VEGF levels in preeclampsia
Galina Khlestova
P213. Disturbancies of the balance of vasoconstrictors and vasodilatators in the maternal blood plasma in the genesis of preeclampsia
Dmytro Konkov
P214. The modern hemodynamic features of predictive diagnosis of preeclampsia
Tetiana Loskutova
P215. Metabolism and lipids peroxidation in women with preeclampsia
Natalia Pasman Natalia Pasman
P216. Pasman N.M., Chumanova O.V., Voronina E.N., Philipenko M.L., Drobinskaya A.N. Assessment of a role of hemostasis system genes polymorphism and the genes which are responsible for formation of an endothelium dysfunction in development of gestational complications
Sahadete Shala
P217. Hypertension induced by pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
Charalampos Siristatidis
P218. The role of interleukins in preeclampsia: a comprehensive review
sapiyat ibragimova
P219. The role of gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin in the etiology of early and late preeclampsia actuality
Danijel Bursac
P220. Acute pulmonary oedema in pregnant women with the use of beta-agonists
Shqipe Fetiu -Salihu
P221. Pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization and cervical cerclage
Richard Mayer
P222. Should all patients with congenital heart disease, WHO group III or higher, be advised against pregnancy?
P223. Whether do Japanese pregnancy women know the effect of sodium and potassium to blood pressure or not.
Andrea Sepulveda
P224. Hemoperitoneum in ambdominal pregnancy: a case report
Manijeh Mehdinejad
P225. Study of bacteriuria in pregnant women and determination of their antibiotic susceptibility patterns
Alexandra Ursache
P226. Ultrasound parameters to evaluate HIV positive pregnant women
Georg Gruessenberger
P227. Birth mode in twin-pregnancies- Outcome based on the Apgar-Score 5 minutes after delivery
Ija Lisovaja
P228. Hyperreactio luteinalis in twin pregnancy, a case report.
Mohd Faizal Ahmad
P229. Amniotomy and early oxytocin infusion versus amniotomy and delayed oxytocin infusion in nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial
Anna Thorbiörnson
P230. Oral versus vaginal prostaglandin for labor induction
Alexandra Ursache
P231. The utility of ultrasound examination in the surveillance of misodel induced labor
Kistaman Dzhamalutdinova
P232. Immunohistochemical characteristic of stem cells markers in foci of nodular and diffuse adenomyosis.
Faina Guseinova
P233. Efficacy of transplantation of bone marrow stromal mesenchymal cells in the therapy of female genital tuberculosis in rabbits (experimental-morphological study)
Li Ling
P234. Effects of human amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cell (hAD-MSC) transplantation on chemotherapy-induced primary ovarian insufficiency in rats
Elena Usoltseva
P235. Endometrial stem cells homing to injured and intact endometrium
Olena Gnatko
P236. Ovarian reserve in adolescent girls born with intrauterine growth retardation
Nigar Kamilova
P237. Assessment of risk impacts on the development of obesity in adolescent girls
Anastasiya Novikova
P238. Gynecological disorders on the background of stress during puberty
Iryna Tuchkina
P239. Urgent conditions in pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Chiara Cassani
P240. Sexual function and distress in natural menopausal women and breast cancer survivors with signs and symptoms of vulvo-vaginal atrophy/genito-urinary syndrome (vva/gsm).
Juan Du
P241. Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Sexual Function in PCOS Patients
Lara Tiranini
P242. Exploring the relationship among sexual function, cues for sexual desire and psychological general well-being in a sample of healthy women seeking hormonal contraception.
aziza chemima
P243. Hormonal disorders among Adolescents
Miho Egawa
P244. Development of a smartphone application system for symptom-recording to manage premenstrual syndrome and its clinical use
P245. Brain Bold Signal-Based Blood Flow Tracking by fMRI with menstrual cycle on healthy women.
Hisayo Okayama
P246. The relevance of Sense of Coherence to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and depression state of young women in Japan
Jelena Otasevic
P247. Lower levels of serum vitamin D are in correlation with reduced ovarian reserve
Vira Pyrohova
P248. Combined hyperproliferative processes of the reproductive organs and vitamin d deficiency
Patimat Khirieva
P249. The condition of the endometrium in women of reproductive age with intrauterine adhesions.
Yinmei Dai
P250. Diagnostic and therapy effect of hysyeroscopic technology in abnormal uterine bleeding
P251. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of chronic abnormal uterine bleeding in Chinese women of reproductive age
Tze Tein Yong
P252. Heavy menstrual bleeding, iron deficiency and its impact in exercising females in Singapore
cristina benetti-pintp
P253. Quality of life in women with deep endometriosis
Tatiana Efimenko
P254. Features of innervation of ectopic endometrium in women with chronic pelvic pain
Patricija Kasilovska
P255. Pelvic pain: relation between endometriosis and other factors
Olga Leshchenko
P256. The frequency of clinical symptoms in a combination of genital tuberculosis and external genital endometriosis in women with infertility
Ma. Paula Rhove Ortega
P257. Abdominopelvic Tuberculosis Presenting as Vaginal Synechiae with Hematopyotrachelometra
Linda Vignozzi
P258. Outcome of medical and psychosexual interventions for Vaginismus: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Vladimir Zuev
P259. The value of express laser spectroscopy in the diagnosis of the uterine abnormalities in perimenopausal women
DooSeok Choi
P260. Spontaneous pregnancy in patients who received three cycles of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment after conservative laparoscopic ovarian endometrioma surgery
Fabio Barra
P261. Estimation of bowel stenosis degree in women with colorectal endometriosis: a prospective comparative study
Gamze Sinem Çağlar
P262. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels in advanced stage endometriosis
Diana-Elena Comandasu
P263. Immunohistochemistry evaluation of endometriosis implants in patients following preoperative progestative treatment
Svetlana Dubrovina
P264. Prognosis of recurrence of endometrioma after surgery
Tatiana Kleimenova
P265. Identification of kisspeptins and matrix metalloproteinases in endometrial cell culture from patients with endometriosis
Tamara Knific
P266. Novel diagnostic models for endometriosis including serum CA-125 levels, body mass index, cyst pathology, dysmenorrhea or dyspareunia
Juanqing Li
P267. The roles of cell migration and invasion mediated by Twist in endometriosis
Ekaterina Pshenichnyuk
P268. Immunohistochemical predictive factors for recurrence of ovarian endometrioma after laparoscopic excision
Ekaterina Pshenichnyuk
P269. Identification of global transcriptome abnormalities in eutopic endometria of women with endometriosis: potential biomarkers of endometriosis
Magdalena Rogut
P270. Is it possible to diagnose endometriosis at the level of endometrium?
cristina benetti-pinto
P271. How deep is your love”: evaluation of dyspareunia and sexual function in women with deep infiltrating endometriosis in long-term treatment with dienogest
Oleksandra Gromova
P272. Low-dose progestins reduse endometriosis associated pain
Nigar Kamilova
P273. Differentiated approach to the diagnosis and prevention of genital prolapse in women
Alexandra Mihaila
P274. Can osteopontin be considered a biomarker for endometriosis?
Zorana Stojanovic
P275. Potential immunoprotective role of dheas on endometriosis in premature ovarian insufficiency patients
Maria Yarmolinskaya
P276. Investigation of the effects of metformin in a rat endometriosis model.
Dzmitry Buryak
P277. Pharmacological therapy of uterine fibroids: prediction and durability of treatment effect
Maria Yarmolinskaya
P278. Changes of molecular characteristics of endometrium in patients with leiomyoma treated with selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRM)
Klaus Nickisch
P279. EC313-a tissue selective SPRM reduces the growth and proliferation of uterine fibroids in a human fibroid tissue xenograft model
Ekaterina Borovkova
P280. The effect of local preparations containing glucocorticoids on indicators of local immunity and the activity of the human papillomavirus Borovkova E. I.
Miguel Bedoya Osorio
P281. Effect of the administration of 50 mg orally of dehidroepiandrosterone (dhea) during 12 months in: sexual function, somatometry, bone mineral density and metabolic variables of the posmenopausic women of the menopause clinic at the hospital juarez de mexico: preliminary results at 6 months
Aleksandar Djogo
P282. Influence of the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (dheas) on the body weight of the climacteric women
Joanna Bartosiewicz
P283. An analysis of the relationship between the polymorphism of certain genes in candidates for cognitive impairments against cognitive functions in female white-collar workers
Gabriella Gyovai
P284. Perimenopausal attention deficit as diagnostic challenge
Blazej Meczekalski
P285. Climacteric symptoms severity and thyroid hormones status in menopausal women.
Raquel Picó
P286. Using ICT to improve adherence to physical activity with and educational program with postmenopausal women.
Eleni Armeni
P287. Subclinical atherosclerosis and calcium metabolism in apparently healthy, non-diabetic postmenopausal women.
Eleni Armeni
P288. Women with the metabolic syndrome have evidence of subclinical arterial disease early after menopause
Peter Chedraui
P289. Pharmacokinetics of two monthly formulations of non-polymeric microspheres of 17β-estradiol and progesterone administered intramuscularly in an aqueous suspension in postmenopausal women
Milton Daniel Flores Fuentes
P290. Incidence of insulin resistance in postmenopausal women at Human Reproduction’s Biology clinic during the period 2016 – 2017 at Hospital Juárez de México
Evaggelia Karopoulou
P291. Subclinical atherosclerosis and lactation history in women after menopause.
Yana Kostroma
P292. Individual approach to reduction of the risk of somatic pathology in postmenopausal women using hrt
Andrea Martínez Massa
P293. Cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women from two spanish regions (camargo and carmen cohorts)
Denny Salazar-Pousada
P294. Weight gain and metabolic changes during the menopausal transition in Ecuadorian women.
Guiju Cai
P295. Research on Correlation between the Blood Concentration of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component-1 and the Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer Patients
Maria Helena Presado
P296. Sexuality and Breast Cancer
Ying Zhang
P297. Can increased expression of progesterone receptor membrane component 1 also indicate a worse prognosis in triple negative breast cancers?
Yue Zhao
P298. Overexpression of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component-1 is Associated with Malignant Phenotypes of Breast Cancer
Susanna Gasparyan
P299. The role of combined hormonal therapy in the correction of cognitive disturbances in women in menopause
Nilson Melo
P300. Evaluation of risk factors for osteoporosis in post-menopaused women with background of endometriosis and submitted to hormonal treatment.
Eliana Nahas
P301. Effect of isolated vitamin D supplementation on the bone turnover markers in younger postmenopausal women: randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial.
Antonina Smetnik
P302. Screening for osteoporosis in amenorrheic and postmenopausal women
Stefania Alvisi
P303. Changes of vulvar and vaginal tissue morphology following ospemifene intake in postmenopausal women with vulvovaginal atrophy (vva)
Adriana Carbonel
P304. Actions of phytoestrogens or estrogens on the proliferation of the rat in uterine cervix
Adriana Carbonel
P305. Soybean isoflavone decreases oxidative stress in the uterus and vagina of ovariectomized rats
Rodolphe Perard
P306. Treating patients with vulvar and vaginal atrophy and a history of breast cancer could substantially reduce the Italian NHS resource use
Mekan Orazov
P307. Antioxidant – regenerative therapy – a new anti-aging concept of women in peri and postmenopausal age
Johann Röhrl
P308. Cimicifuga racemosa dry extract (BNO 1055) as active component of Klimadynon® improves sleep quality through GABAA-ergic activity
Sofia Thorell
P309. Effects of Resistance Training in Postmenopausal Women on Muscle Strength and Total as well as Fat-free Muscle Mass measured with MRI
A. Glazunova
P310. Low-dose local hormonal therapy for VVA in postmenopausal women.
Dubravko Lepusic
P311. Education adolescents about sexuall responsible behavior and preventing HPV infections-Health education in Croatia
Ziad Abouzeid
P312. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in endometrial carcinoma
Yinmei Dai
P313. Identification of DNA hypermethylation of SOX9 in association with cervical cancer using CpG microarrays
Kelly Ferreira
P314. Non-canonical activation of SHH signaling as a metastatic marker in vulvar cancer
Kelly Ferreira
P315. Tetraspanins CD63 and CD82 as markers of prognosis in vulvar carcinoma cells
Suzana Vidic
P316. The importance of estrone-sulfate transporters in endometrial cancer
Chenghong Yin
P317. Quantitative methylation detection of SOX9 in cervical cancer scrapings using TaqMan probes
Anna Drobintseva
P318. New approach to detection and analysis of cancer-associated proteins in fluorescent digital microscopy
Ziad Abouzeid
P319. Potential role of platelets and lymphocytes in epithelial ovarian cancer
Natalia Artymuk
P320. The predictive value of the self-sampling of human papillomavirus DNA for the diagnosis of HSIL and cervical cancer in different social group
Man-Kin Chung
P321. The application of community based self-sampling for STD and HPV screenings in Chinese population
Maddalena Mallozzi
P322. Anamnestic-ultrasound features and endometrial cancer risk in tamoxifen user patients: useful insights in a controversial topic.
Nur Nahdiyat
P323. Community diagnosis of visual inspection with acetic acid in primary health center of klender district, indonesia
Gulaim Ataniyazova
P324. Human papilloma virus and cervical pre-cancer
Valeria Barra
P325. Prevalence of HPV genotipes in the senese female population undergoing cervical screening
Russell Ng
P326. Neglected HPV infection status in men: A possible underlying cause for persistent high cervical cancer rate among women?
Touhami Omar
P327. Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Ovary – A Case Report
P328. Description of the quality of life in colombian women caribbean survivors of breast cancer
Omar Touhami
P329. A diagnostic dilemma for solid ovarian masses: the clinical and radiological aspects with differential diagnosis of 5 cases
Cialuj Teza Agbayani
P330. Ovarian masses in children and the trend towards ovarian conservation: a case report
Diana-Elena Comandasu
P331. Pregnancy outcome after radical vaginal trachelectomy with laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy performed as a fertility preservation technique in patients with early-stage cervical cancer
Kristel Danica Panes
P332. A Case Of Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma Who Underwent Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy In A Third World Country
Ekaterina Borovkova
P333. Breast cancer associated with pregnancy. Dobrokhotova J., Danielian S., Borovkova E. аnd Zalesskaya S. A.
Lino Del Pup
P334. Breast cancer risk of hormonal contraception and hormone replacement therapy: how to counsel and reassure patients considering recent evidence.
Maximilian Brincat
P335. A Case Of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency In A 21 Year Old Woman With A Strong Family History Of Breast Cancer
Alfred Mueck
P336. Membrane-initiated effects of Serelys® on proliferation and apoptosis of human breast cancer cells
Fulvio Borella
P337. Clinicopathological features of pure mucinous breast carcinoma: our experience of 35 cases
Muqing Gu
P338. Does Norethisterone stimulate human breast cancer cells proliferation by promoting PGRMC1 expression?
Aysel Zeynalova
P339. Possible benefits of metformin use in patients with breast cancer
Nelly Sogoyan
P340. Somatic mutations in gene MED 12 among women with the family history of uterine fibroids.
Natalia Artymuk
P341. The prevalence of the pelvic floor dysfunction of in reproductive age women
Balazs Erdodi
P342. The Value of Perineal Ultrasound Scan in the Diagnosis of Peri- and Postmenopausal Urinary Incontinence
Kiyoko Naito
P343. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the motion picture using magnetic resonance images for the pelvic floor muscle training
Sanae Ninomiya
P344. Effectiveness of the moderately supportive underwear in women with stress urinary incontinence, Part 2: Are the symptoms of urinary incontinence reduced due to wearing the underwear? An assessor-blinded randomized control trial
Sanae Ninomiya
P345. Effectiveness of the moderately supportive underwear in women with stress urinary incontinence, Part 1: Is the bladder neck elevated due to wearing the underwear?
Elisa Malacarne
P346. Efficacy and safety of robotic-assisted apical lateral suspension for the treatment of high grade pelvic organ prolapse: short and medium follow up
Manuela RUSSU
P347. The use of deepithelialized vaginal flap, associated with synthetic mesh fixation at sacrospinous ligaments, for grade 3-4 genital prolapse surgical treatment
Manuela RUSSU
P348. Sacrosuspension vs fixation at sacrospinous ligaments in pelvic organ prolapse treatment
Tommaso Simoncini
P349. Single site robotic-assisted apical lateral suspension (ss r-als) for advanced pelvic organ prolapse: first cases reported
Rafał Watrowski
P350. Laparoscopic, pregnancy-preserving management of massive hemoperitoneum after corpus luteum cyst rupture in early gestation
Elena Cecchi
P351. Early experience using new integrated table motion for the da Vinci Xi in gynecological surgery: feasibility, safety, efficacy.
ahmed galal
P352. Accuracy of three –dimensional- ultrasound and Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of mullerian duct-anomalies
P353. Precise Imaging of Endometrium using real time rotational pullback Optical Coherence Tomography: A pilot study
Nur Nahdiyat
P354. Detection of lactate and other metabolites in ovarian tumours using 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Victor Suturin
P355. Uterine tissue microcirculation assessment by sidestream darkfiled (SDF) imaging as a complimentary method to ultrasonography: a pilot study.
Laura Batres Martínez
P356. Ambulatory hysteroscopy: Statistics of our center
Laura Batres Martínez
P357. Failed ambulatory hysteroscopy: evaluation of patients, causes and treatments
Simone Bruni
P358. Outpatient Hysteroscopy: factors affecting pain perception
Edson Ferreira Filho
P359. Hysteroscopic intratubal device Essure® for permanent contraception: clinical outcomes and complications
Patimat Khirieva
P360. Differential gene expression in the endometrium of reproductive age women with intrauterine adhesions.
Elena Nada
P361. Hysteroscopy as an Essential Diagnostic Tool in Infertile Women
Giulia Nencini
P362. Does obesity influence office hysteroscopy? An observational study.
Anna Rosner-Tenerowicz
P363. Histeroscopic treatment of AUB due to Robert’s Uterus
Simona Scarani
P364. Correlation between hysteroscopic and anatomopathological finding in endometrial pathology
Tanvir Tanvir
P365. mbulatory Hysteroscopy for Retained Products of Conception following first trimester medical abortion