Oral Presentation

Factors associated with sexuality disorders in menopausal colombians


[Duran-Mendez] Universidad de Cartagena, [MONTERROSA-CASTRO] Universidad de Cartagena- Colombia, [MERCADO-LARA] Universidad de Cartagena- Colombia

Context: sexuality disorders affect half of women in the Middle Ages and vary in prevalence according to their particular characteristics. Objective: to identify the factors associated with sexuality disorders in Colombian menopausal women using the Female Sexual Function Index-6. Methods: Cross-sectional study belonging to the CAVIMEC project (Quality of Life in Menopause and Colombian Ethnic Groups). Women were collected in the population, evaluated door-to-door by pollsters. Research without risks. For data analysis, EPI-INFO 7 was used. Unadjusted logistic regression was performed, p < 0.05. Patient (s): Healthy women 40-59 years old, who participated voluntarily and had regular sexual activity. Intervention (s): A socio-demographic characteristics form and the Female Sexual Function Index-6 were used to evaluate sexual dysfunction and sexual dysfunction such as desire, excitement, satisfaction, coital pain, lubrication and orgasm. The lower score the worse the evaluation. Main Outcome Measure (s): Disorders of sexuality. Menopause. Sexual dysfunction. Factors associated with sexuality disorders. Results: 1445 women, mean age 47.5 ± 5.5 years, 39.5% in Premenopause, 26.9% in Perimenopause and 33.4% in Postmenopause were studied. Mean of the IFSF6 scale score: 15.4 ± 9.5, 37.7% in sexual dysfunction. The third part presented alteration of lubrication, 25.8% presented alteration of orgasm, 21.2% alteration in desire, almost one-fifth had alterations in excitation and coital pain, and 14.2% presented alteration in satisfaction. Being between 55-59 years old was associated with high scores OR: 13.20 [8.2-21.0] with alteration in arousal, being underweight was associated with desire alteration, OR: 2.04 [1.0-3.9], being multiparous was protective factor for excitation, p: 0.022. Taking a main activity away from home was a protective factor for all disorders, taking hormone therapy was a risk factor for desire OR: 1.95 (1.2-3.0); and the excitation OR: 1.89 [1.2-2.9]. Being mestiza was associated with sexual dysfunction; OR: 1.88 [1.4-2.4] as well as being in postmenopause, OR: 3.63 [2.8-4.7]. Conclusion: different protective and risk factors are associated with disorders of sexuality and sexual dysfunction in a group of Colombian menopausal women.


