Poster Session

P203. Adolescent pregnancy in Kosovo

Merita Vuniqi-Krasniqi (KO), Myrvete Paçarada (KO), Leandrit Bejtullahu (KO), Sahadete Shala (KO), Dardane Ukella-Lleshi (KO), Jehona Luta (KO)

[Vuniqi-Krasniqi] 1. Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo., [Paçarada] 1. Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo., [Bejtullahu] 1. Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo., [Shala] . Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo., [Ukella-Lleshi] 1. Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo., [Luta] University of Prishtina.Faculty of Medicine.Midwife department

Objective:To determine teenage mothers give birth to children of lower birth weight. The aim was to show wether smoking ,marital status ,education level and place of living affect the birth weightof newborns. Methods:It was conducted a retrospective cohort study which involved 34 pregnant teenage women who gave birth in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of University Clinical Hospital Prishtina in the period from January 2016 to Decembary 2016. The participant were divided into three groups:teenage primiparas 15 years,teenage primiparas 16 years and teenage primiparas 15 years. Results:The study involved 34 teenage mothers :(38,3%-17yo),(41,17%-16yo) and (20,58%-15 yo). The average age of teenage mothers was 16,10 +-0,72 years. The average birth weight of newborns was significantly lower in the group of teenage mothers compored to the group of 15 yo. Conclusion:Teenage mothers give birth to children of LBW.Children of lower birth weight are also born by those pregnant women who are not married ,who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy and those who have lower level of education. Key word:Teenage mothers,marital status.


