Poster Session

P361. Hysteroscopy as an Essential Diagnostic Tool in Infertile Women

Elena Nada (RO), Alina Busan (RO), Cristina Neagu (RO), Manuela Neagu (RO)

[Nada] SCOG Prof Dr Panait Sirbu, [Busan] SCOG Prof Dr Panait Sirbu, [Neagu] SCOG Prof Dr Panait Sirbu, [Neagu] SCOG Prof Dr Panait Sirbu

Context: Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure with a high accuracy in identifying abnormalities of the cervical canal, uterine cavity and tubal ostiae. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the relevance of performing diagnostic hysteroscopy along with transvaginal ultrasonography and hysterosalpingography. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on infertile women admitted in our clinical hospital between July and December 2015. Patients: We analyzed 150 women aged 25-42 diagnosed with primary or secondary infertility. Interventions: Hysteroscopy was performed as an outpatient procedure with general intravenous anesthesia, using the 2.7mm or 2.5mm hysteroscope. Results: The most common findings were: endometrial or endocervical polyps, uterine fibroids, uterine septum, endometrial atrophy , uterine malformations, Asherman syndrome and other types of synechiae. 85% of all hysteroscopic findings were suggested on ultrasound and/or hysterosalpingography. No accidents, such as perforations occurred during diagnostic hysteroscopy. Conclusions: Hysteroscopy should be performed in all infertile patients as it represents an important diagnostic tool together with ultrasonography and hysterosalpingography.


