Oral Presentation

Precocious pregnant teenagers treated in hospital santiago oriente dr. luis tisné brousse: epidemiological profile and perinatal outcomes.

Franzel Alvarez Hott (CL), Alejandra Catalan (CL), Angelica Diaz (CL)

[Alvarez Hott] Hospital Luis Tisne Brousse - Universidad de Chile, [Catalan] Hospital Luis Tisne Brousse - Universidad de Chile, [Diaz] Hospital Luis Tisne Brousse - Universidad de Chile

INTRODUCTION: In the last 50 years the fertility rate in Chile has shown a significant decrease up to 67%. Among age groups, the less marked change has been observed in teenagers, age group that has shown a tendency toward stabilisation. Because of its importance and socio economic impact on the young mother, its family and the community, we have been encouraged to know more about our local reality. OBJECTIVE: To know the epidemilogy and perinatal outcomes of precociuos teenager at local level. METHODOLOGY OR STRATEGIES: Retrospective descriptive study of <15 year old pregnant women who gave birth between 2016 and 2015 in our hospital. The sample was obtained from the births database of the hospital. It was identified 94 patients, collecting 84 data sheets in all. Personal information was analysed: age, parity, patient health history, obstetric supervisions. It was registered social data like the existence of a partner, partner’s age, marital status, schooling, if there is a case of school desertion and occupation that was informed. It was analysed the nutritional status, stature and obstetric history: delivery mode, newborn weight, gastational age by birth, Apgar, newborn’s need of hospitalization. Data was tabulated on excel spreadsheets, getting a descriptive graph of each variable. RESULTS: Total births 12.434, 0.75% (94) ≤ 15 years old teenagers. 84 data sheets analysed. 3% corresponding to 13 years old, 27% to 14 years old, 70% to 15 years old. 20% informed to live with a partner, 55% of fathers reached the age of legal mayority (18-35 years old). 29% of school desertion and a 71% of mothers who continue studying. 11% presented low weight, 26% overweight and 15% obesity. Gestational age at the beginning of the supervision: 13 weeks average, 60% ≤ 12 weeks, 2 unsupervised pregnancies. 55% supervised in primary healthcare and 42% in secondary healthcare. Gestational age at delivery 83% full term, 17% premature deliveries, all of them greater than 32 weeks. 82% vaginal delivery, 4% instrumental delivery and 14% cesarean delivery. Newborns’ weight: 3128gr average (1785-4570gr), 13% of newborns required hospitalization, 2 cases APGAR <7 within 5 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: Our teenage pregnancies in 15 years old teenagers (0.25%) are lower than national reported rates, there was not extreme premature deliveries and the percentage of cesarean deliveries was lower than the local average.


