Poster Session

P76. Is waist-circumference related to anxiety levels in peri and postmenopausal women?

Mónica Flores-Ramos (MX), Roberto Silvestri (MX)

[Flores-Ramos] Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, Mexico, [Silvestri] Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia, México City

Context. Multiple factors have been related to the presence of overweight or obesity, some of them are depression and anxiety. Similarly, menopausal status seems to be related to the physiopathology of overweight and obesity, as well as waist circumference. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between waist circumference and anxiety scores in a group of peri and postmenopausal women. Methods: Patients: We evaluated 329 participants with a mean age of 52.4 years old; 20.06% perimenopausal and 79.9% postmenopausal, according to the STRAW classification. Intervention: We performed a complete medical history emphasizing in the evaluation of reproductive status using the classification of the Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW). We also evaluated anxiety using the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), as well as anthropometric measures. Main outcome measure was STAI scores. Results: We observed a significant correlation between waist circumference and state-trait anxiety. We do not observed a correlation between anxiety and menopausal status, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and age. For every one-point increase in the anxiety-state score in the STAI evaluation, the risk of having a waist> 88 cm, increased by 4%. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that high levels of anxiety during menopausal transition are related to a greater circumference of waist. Prospective studies with a larger sample could clarify the nature of this association.


