Scientific Society Symposium

Epidemiology of overweight in Latin American women

Greta Solis (NI)

[Solis] Hospital Vivian Pellas, Managua

The WHO describes overweight and obesity as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health. Around 360 million people in Latin America have a weight greater than recommended based on the height of the person and other indicators. This figure represents 58% of the total population of the region. In more than 20 countries in the region, the rate of obesity of women is usually 10 percentage points higher than men. Menopause favors weight gain, which has been estimated at 6%, the prevalence of obesity is 33.7% in women between 55 and 60 years old. Estrogenic deprivation is associated with the decrease in endorphin producing an increase in the intake of fats and carbohydrates, decreases the sensation of satiety stimulated by cholecystokinin and galanin levels, stimulating the intake of fats. The countries with more overweight in Latin America are Bahamas 69%, Mexico 64%, and Chile: 63%. With less overweight Nicaragua, Paraguay and Haiti. Factors related to this epidemic are the lack of green spaces to walk or practice some physical activity and the hours dedicated to electronic devices.


