Poster Session

P323. Community diagnosis of visual inspection with acetic acid in primary health center of klender district, indonesia

Nur Nahdiyat (ID), Natasha Marianne (ID), Almer Hutapea (ID), York Hunt (ID), Angelina Laura (ID), Aria Kekalih (ID)

[Nahdiyat] Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, [Marianne] Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, [Hutapea] Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, [Hunt] Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, [Laura] Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, [Kekalih] Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta

Background Worldwide, there were an estimated 527,600 new cervical cancer cases and 265,700 deaths worldwide in 2012 It is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer and third leading cause of cancer death among females in less developed countries. Visual inspection with acetic Acid (VIA) of cervical screening have been tested and approved in resource-limited cou tries for early detection of cervical cancer. Despite the health promotion program in Puskesmas, the number of cervical cancer in Indonesia is still high. In our work, we would like to assess the internal and external factors associated with uptake of visual Inspection with acetic acid (VIA) to identify the problem. Methods The primary data was obtained from giving out questionnaire to a group of women amounting to 100 of them in their reproductive age group. The questionnaire that were given out is about evaluating their perception, general knowledge and cervical cancer and VIA screening. Results From the data we obtained from 100 women who participated in the survey, overall, on there are 76% have good perception, 91% have good ge eral health knowledge, 56% have good knowledge pertaining to cervical cancer, and 98% have good knowledge and attitude toward VIA. Conclusion The majority of population has good awareness and knowledge about health in general and cervical cancer. But there are still few bad perce tion about VIA. Prevention and health promotion are still the major problems that have to be fixed.


