Poster Session

P217. Hypertension induced by pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

Sahadete Shala (KO), Myrvete Paçarada (KO), Merita Krasniqi (KO), Ferdita Haxhiu (KO)

[Shala] University Clinical Centre of Kosova, [Paçarada] University Clinical Centre of Kosova, [Krasniqi] University Clinical Centre of Kosova, [Haxhiu] University Clinical Centre of Kosova

Sahadete Shala MD. Gyn/Ob; Myrvete Paçarada MD. Prof. Gyn/Ob; Merita Krasniqi MD. Gyn/Ob; Ferdita Haxhiu-Derguti MD. Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic. University Clinic Center of Kosovo. Abstract Introduction: Hypertension induced by pregnancy (PIH) after In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer (ET) poses a high risk for mother and for fetus, which is added to the cases after IVF and ET. This is accompanied by high morbidity and mortality of mother and fetus. In the countries with prenatal protection developed, the course of pregnancy associated with hypertension is better than in underdeveloped countries. The presence of hypertension, proteinuria and edema after the 20th week of pregnancy, means preeclampsia. The purpose of the study was the detailed study of 948 cases of hospitalized pregnant women in the period from January - December 2014, at the Obstetric Gynecology Clinic in Pristina, to evaluate Hypertension induced by pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer. Method: from 948 cards of pregnant women hospitalized in the period January - December 2014 were analyzed, at the Obstetric Gynecology Clinic in Pristina. The cases were analyzed according to settlements, parity and health status of pregnant women, the appearance of edema, albuminuria, hypertension, anaemia and the way of getting birth. Results: From hospitalized cases, 27 cases (or 2.86%) showed signs of hypertension, edema and proteinuria; from 46 cases (or 4.85%) were pregnant after IVF and ET, from which 6 cases (or 13.04%) present the symptoms of PIH Syndrome; from the 27 cases , 6 cases (or 22.22%) manifested changes in the hematopoetic System. In addition from the 27 cases presented with PIH Syndrome, in 11 cases (40.74%), the method of termination of birth was with Sectio Cesarea. Conclusions: As a result of good antenatal protection and adequate therapy, the results were good for both moms and fetuses. There are only two cases as exceptions in pregnancy in the term of hypertensive crises and dead fetuses. Keywords: Hypertension, edema, proteinuria.


