Poster Session

P190. Pregnancy outcome in the dual endocrinopathy diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism. 5 years retrospective study

Serban Nastasia (RO), Adriana Ghelmene (RO), Ilinca Lucia Gussi (RO), Alina Ursuleanu (RO), Manuela Cristina Russu (RO)

[Nastasia] "Carol Davila" University of Medicine& Pharmacy, Bucharest, [Ghelmene] "Carol Davila"Ubiversity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, [Gussi] "Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, [Ursuleanu] University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, [Russu] "Carol Davila"University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

Objectives: assessment of pregnancy outcomes in the dual endocrinopathy diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism Materials and Methods: 5 years retrospective analysis of maternal and newborn outcomes in four groups: A – dual endocrinopathy diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism, B – overt DM, C – hypothyroidism, D – control. There are analyzed: demographical data, primary outcomes: birth gestational age, Apgar score, composite neonatal morbidity, secondary outcomes: specific gestational complications (maternal weight gain, Hypertension/Preeclampsia, progressive proteinuria, aggravation of metabolic disorders due to endocrinopathies, maternal/neonatal hospitalization. The Statistical Analysis: performed using JMP IN software. Correlations riched statistical significance for p value <0.05 Results. From a total of 199 patients, 19 group A (9,54%), 50 group B (25,1%), 31 group C (15,57%), 99 in group D (49,74%). Patients characteristics: age (A-30,2; B-31,6; C-31,3; D-28,3; p = 0,001), parity (A-1,68; B-1,72; C-1,38; D-1,59; NS), associated preeclampsia (A-42,11%; B-32%; C-16,13%; D-7,07%; p < 0,0001), gestational age at delivery (A-36,47; B-37,48; C-38,03; D-38,49; p = 0,0003), route of delivery (cesareean section rate: A-78,95%; B-78%; C-58,06%; D-51,52%; p = 0,0057), birthweight (A-3298 g; B-3362 g; C-3149 g; D-3180; NS), Apgar 5 min less than 7 (A-15,79%; B-12%; C-9,68%; D-5,05%; NS); ventilatory maneuvers (A-5,56%; B-14,29%; C-12,90%; D-7,07%; NS), surfactant usage (A-5,56%; B-2%; C-0%; D-0%; NS), orotracheal intubation (A-5,56%; B-2%; C-0%; D-1,01%; NS). Conclusions: the dual endocrinopathy diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism in pregnancy further increases the morbidity burden and severity on both mother and fetus, more than each one separately


