Context: Pelvic pain could be considered a deep health problem that challenges physicians all over the world Pelvic pain often refers to pain in the region of women's internal reproductive organs. Objective: The objective of the study is to detect most common deseases that cause pelvic pain. Methods: Statistical analysis was performed using software package for statistical analysis - SPSS (version 17.0). Various parameters were calculated: means, confidence intervals (95%), minimum and maximum values, standard deviations, median, mode, variance, frequencies. Statistical differences between patients groups were calculated using T-tests in different groups (level of statistical significance p < 0,05). Correlations between variables were calculated using Spearman‘s correlation (level of statistical significance p < 0,05). Tables were prepared using Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Participants: 30 women in total was examined in the Medical Center “Maxmeda” in 2015-2016. Only women with pelvic pain signs were selected. Interventions: Women were examined anthropologically(weight, state, BMI), genital transvaginal ultrasound testing was performed after menstruation and blood sample was taken for biochemical analysis. Menstrual bleeding intensity was measured by using the PBAC. STD were examined by the PCR. The serum level of CA125 was determined by IMMULITE 2000 XPi Immunoassay System. Results: The age of examined women ranged from 18 to 25 years. The average age was 22 (95 % CI 21,07-22,79). Average BMI value was 21,67 ( 95% CI 20,99-22,35). The most of women (up to 90% of total sample) had BMI within range of 18,2-24,3 kg/m2 (normal range for that age group according WHO standards). Age of menarche: min – 12, max- 15 Age of first sexual experience: min- 14, max-22 PMS among followed patients: 36,7%-NO, 63,3%-YES STD: 83,3%-NO, 10%-Chlamidiosis, 6,7%-herpes genitalis CA125 levels: 3,3%-exceeds the norm, 96,7%- Norm Ultrasound examination results: 46,7%-endometriosis, 20,0%-normal, 16,7%-polypus endometrii, 10,0%-ovarian cystis, 6,7%-polycystic ovarian, 3,3%- mioma uteri, 3,3%-adenomiosis uteri Bleeding intensity according to the PBAC-minimum 45, maximum 93. Conclusion: The most common cause of pelvic pain is endometriosis(46,7%). Other conditions: ovarian cystis(10%), IUD 16,7%. Fibroids and adenomyosis were only 3,3%. Ca125 was weakly increased and correlated with endometriosis and menstrual bleeding intensity. PMS 63,3% was a leading sign of pelvic pain.