Mejreme Ramosaj (KO) Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo. Myrvete Paqarada (KO) .Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo. Merita Krasniqi (KO) .Department of Gynecology, University Clinical Center of Kosova; Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo. Jehona Luta (KO) . University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine, Midwife department. Hysterosalpingography uses a real-time form of x-ray called fluoroscopy to examine the uterus and fallopian tubes of a woman who is having difficulty becoming pregnant.. Hysterosalpingography can occasionally open blocked fallopian tubes to allow the patient to become pregnant afterwards. Objective: To determine pregnancies following hysterosalpingography are described in this study. The aim of this study was to show pregnancies after hysterosalpingography . Methodology: This study is prospective and involves analyzing the role of HSG in sterile and infertile patients at the Obstetric Gynecology Clinic in Prishtina, during the period January 2016-December 2016 sterility department. This study includes 70 sterile couples that have been studied, the patients were hospitalized for hysterosalpingography. The patients are divided into three groups. The 1-st group includes patients with primary sterility (30 cases), the 2-nd group includes patients with secondary sterility (20 cases) and the 3-rd group includes patients that are infertile (20 cases). Results: HSG was performed in 70 patients if they did not conceive within 6 months after unprotected sexual relationship. The 1-st group (54 patients) included patients with bilaterally occluded tubes, group II (30 patients) included patients with pathological changes in the tubes with one or both unobstructed tubes, and group III (16 patients) patients with normal tubes. Following the applications of these methods, 4 or 5.7% of patients from groups II and III successfully conceived. The conclusion: In this research we studied 70 sterile couples, the patients were hospitalized at the Obstetric Gynecology Clinic during the study period. The number of spontaneous pregnancies after HSG (hysterosalpingography) is almost equal. It may therefore be assumed that it is only mechanical activity of the perfusion liquid that has a therapeutic effect. Key words: Hysterosalpingography, sterility, infertility.