
Serum vitamine D levels and VDR polymorphisms in women with PCOS

Andrzej Milewicz (PL)

[Milewicz] Uni of Wroclaw

Several observational studies was shown that vitamin D by its pleiotropic actions via the presence of vitamin D receptor ( VDR) and the hydroxylases activities necessary to it metabolism is important contributor in endocrine health and diseases like obesity , diabetes mellitus. Vitamin D influences glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity via parathormone and directly via VDR in pancreas and fatty tissues .Less than 1% of vitamin D metabolites circulate in the free , unbound form .The remainder ( 85-90%) is bound to vitamin binding protein (VDBP) and 10-15% with albumin. To completely interpret vitamin D deficiency , the role of VDBP must be included , because its relation to bioavailable and biologically active 25(OH)D . The role of vitamin D deficiency and VDR polymorphisms in women with PCOS are still controversial. 92 women with “classic” PCOS and 85 homogenous controls were study according to the serum total vitamin D , VDBP and free- and bioavailable 25(OH)D levels as well as VDR gene polymorphisms rs 731236 ,rs 7975232,rs1544419 and rs 10735810 . We divide women in both groups for non obese (BMI lower than 25 kg/m2) and obese . For the first time we have show that endogenous total , free- , bioavailable 25(OH) D deficiency and VDR polymorphisms are not associated with homogenous “classic” PCOS but with obesity .


