ANDROGEN SECRETING TUMORS Manuel Nölting MD, PhD Although relatively rare, androgen-secreting neoplasms originating from either the adrenals or the ovaries are potentially life-threatening causes of androgen excess, and some occur more frequently in postmenopausal women. Androgen-secreting neoplasms are usually associated with absolute hyperandrogenism. The androgen-secreting neoplasms usually have distinct clinical features and have traditionally been associated with a rapid onset of signs and symptoms resulting in various degrees of virilization. I will present 2 groups of 14 patients each. One group shows patients with adrenal tumors while the other one shows patients with ovarian tumors. Clinic, laboratory and images give the suspicion of this pathology. The definitive diagnosis will be made with pathological anatomy. The treatment must be individualized for each type of case. Your prognosis will depend on the tumor type and its stage.